
Survation #EUREF Polling

Survation have just released a poll

Survation - First EU opinion polling conducted since specific demands for EU reform were outlined by David Cameron <<< link to poll
I do plan in future once I have the electorate to breakdown England into London and also North & South England as this also adds to the variance as London has a high remain factor, but also has a low turnout factor.

Countryelectorateleave / remainLeave (70% turnout)Remain (70% Turnout)
England38,806,64954.3 / 45.714,750,40712,414,246
Scotland4,094,78440.2 / 59.21,152,2721,696,878
Wales2,282,29752 / 48830,756766,851
Northern Ireland1,236,68344 / 56380,898484,779

Leave / Remain figures are based on a 70% turnout.

Happy to hear / read any comments.