Always feel free to post your thoughts in the comments sections below.
% of voters who believe they are doing BADLY at their job
Corbyn 50%
Cameron 49%
Farage 40%
Farron 32%
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of voters who believe they are doing WELL at their job
Cameron 43%
Farage 37%
Corbyn 30%
Farron 14%
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of a parties voters who say their leader is doing WELL at their job.
Conservatives 83%
UKIP 76%
Labour 53%
LibDems 28%
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of a parties voters who say their leader is doing BADLY at their job.
LibDems 29%
Labour 27%
Conservatives 11%
UKIP 11%
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of voters who just DON'T KNOW if the leader is doing WELL or BADLY in their job
Farron 54%
Farage 23%
Corbyn 20%
Cameron 7%
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of Women (Men) who think they are doing WELL in their job
Cameron 41% (47%)
Farage 31% (44%)
Corbyn 29% (31%)
Farron 11% (17%)
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of Women (Men) who think they are doing BADLY in their job
Cameron 48% (50%)
Corbyn 44% (55%)
Farage 38% (42%)
Farron 23% (41%)
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of aged 18-24(65+) who think they are doing BADLY at their job
Cameron 52% (48%)
Farage 38% (35%)
Corbyn 32% (65%)
Farron 20% (35%)
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015
% of aged 18-24(65+) who think they are doing WELL at their job
Corbyn 37% (22%)
Cameron 34% (48%)
Farage 27% (46%)
Farron 13% (16%)
— General Election (@UKGE2020) October 29, 2015'sRatings.pdf